10 Things to Avoid After Hair Transplant Procedure - Hair Transplant Antalya / Turkey - OTEK Hair Clinic
10 Things to Avoid After Hair Transplant Procedure - Otek Hair Clinic

10 Things to Avoid After Hair Transplant Procedure

After a hair transplant, it is essential to follow your doctor’s instructions and take care of your scalp to achieve the best possible results. Here are some general guidelines to follow after hair transplant:

1-Avoid Sleeping on Your Stomach

Avoid sleeping on your stomach or on your both sides with your head pressed against the pillow, as this can put pressure on your scalp and may damage the transplanted hair. Sleeping on your back allows your head to rest naturally and helps to avoid any unnecessary pressure on your scalp. You may find helpful to use a travel pillow or to elevate your head slightly with a pillow to help reduce pressure on your scalp.

2-Avoid Styling Hair Products

Avoid using hair styling tools, such hair straightener, curling irons or hair dryers for the first few weeks after the procedure. Also avoid using treatments that contain harsh chemicals like perms, dyes, or bleaches until your doctor allows you.

3-Avoid De-Hydration

It is important to stay hydrated after the hair transplantation, as proper hydration is important for the healing process and for maintaining the health of your scalp and freshly transplanted hair. It is recommended to drink plenty of water and other fluids, such as fruit juices and sports drinks, to help stay hydrated after the operation.

4-Avoid Sun Directly to The Scalp

Avoid exposing your scalp to direct sunlight for the first few weeks after hair transplant. If you should be in the sun, wear a hat or use a sunscreen with a high SPF.

5-Avoid Sweating

Avoid vigorous exercises or heavy lifting exercises for the first few weeks after the procedure. 6-Avoid Drinking Alcohol and Smoking Avoid drinking alcohol, as it may occur some problems with the healing process and potentially cause dehydration. Also avoid smoking, as it can reduce blood flow to the scalp.

7-Avoid Touching to Your Scalp

Avoid picking at or scratching your scalp because this action can damage the freshly transplanted hair.

8- Avoid Wearing Tight Hats or Headbands

Avoid wearing them because these can put pressure on your scalp and potentially damage the freshly transplanted hair.

9- Avoid Using Hair Elastics or Other Hair Accessories

Avoid using them because they pull your hair, as these can also cause damage to the freshly transplanted hair.

10- Avoid Sexual Activities

We generally recommend to avoid sexual activity for at least 10 days after a hair transplant procedure. Engaging in sexual activity, especially if it is vigorous or involves physical contact with the head, can ruin the healing process and potentially damage the freshly transplanted hair follicles.

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