What is The Best Age To Get a Hair Transplant? - Hair Transplant Antalya / Turkey - OTEK Hair Clinic

What is The Best Age To Get a Hair Transplant?

What is the best age to get a hair transplant?

For the hair transplant procedure, the type of the shedding is more decisive than the age. If the skin becomes visible when viewed with the naked eye, it means that the hair density in that area has fallen below %50 of the normal density. In this case, the most effective treatment may be the hair transplantation.

Who is not suitable for hair transplant?

People with serious health complications is not suitable for hair transplant. However, hair transplant surgery is a relatively simple procedure that can reveal great results, those who have chronic health issues like heart disease, liver or kidney failure, diabetes, and more may not be suitable for such a surgery.

Does hair transplantation have any disadvantages in terms of my health?

This procedure is an exceptionally risk-free procedure performed under local anesthesia. There are no side effects that may affect health in the post-operative period have been observed thus far.

Can my body reject a hair transplant?

Unlike organ transplants, you are your own donor for the hair transplantation procedure. There is no donor and recipient.

Can i touch transplanted hair?

You can touch your transplanted hair at post-surgery, but the pressure which you are supposed to apply, will vary depending on the extent to which your scalp has healed. Commonly, it takes approximately 10-15 days for the grafts to get settled, but your hair still will be weak.

Do i need bed rest after hair transplant?

It takes approximately 7 to 10 days post-surgery for the hair grafts and the scar on the scalp to heal. After that, you can sleep normally and continue with your daily activities.

Is hair transplant permanent?

If you’re looking for a permanent solution to your hair loss, you may want to think about hair transplant. Hair transplant surgery allows the surgeon to move healthy hairs on your scalp to areas with thinning hair.

How painful is a hair transplant?

Actually, no surgery can be completely painless. Some short and likely temporary level of discomfort is of course possible, a hair transplant surgery is a pleasant and easy experience for most of hair loss sufferers.

How long does hair restoration last?

If it’s performed by a well-trained, experienced hair transplant specialist, a hair transplant procedure can last a lifetime. That’s because the genetic tendency for hair loss existence in the follicle, rather than in the scalp.

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