How Common is Hair Loss? - Hair Transplant Antalya / Turkey - OTEK Hair Clinic
How common is hair loss

How Common is Hair Loss?

How common is hair loss?

Everyone loses their hairs on a daily basis at a rate of nearly 50 to 150 individual hairs per day. Usually, the hair grows back. But if the hair follicle is weakened, this re-growth does not occur. Every man experiences some degree of gradual hair loss in their lifetime as a result of involuntary aging and changes in the male hormone androgen. Sometimes women also may experience hair loss.

Can surgery fix hair loss?

Hair transplant, or hair restoration surgery, can brought back the most of the hair you have lost. During a hair transplant procedure, a specialist removes hair from back of the head that has hair (donor area) and transplants it to a baldness area. Each follicle of hair has one to several hairs.

Does anything I do cause male or female pattern baldness (androgenic alopecia) as a result?

There is no proof that male pattern or female pattern baldness is related to mental stress, washing regularity, type of shampoo/conditioner or skin conditions. Besides, certain medical conditions can cause hair loss. The OTEK Hair Clinic team will advise you on the type of hair loss you are experiencing.

What about high stress levels or the type of shampoo I use?

There is no proof that male pattern or female pattern baldness is related to mental stress, washing frequency, type of shampoo or skin type. Certain medical conditions can cause hair loss, however. The Otek Hair Clinic team will advise you on the type of hair loss you are experiencing.

Planning – What does it means?

The hair transplantation is not a cosmetic treatment, but it’s a serious medical operation, it is always required the pre-surgery planning and consultation with the specialist.

What is the unsuitable donor area?

In the situation where the donor area is unsuitable, unluckily, FUE hair transplantation can not be completed, because there is no place to extract hair.

Is hair transplant worth it?

With the invention of FUE, hair restoration procedure provides permanent and natural results. This reverses a lifetime of hair loss and balding that affects our appearance. Then you can decide the cost of a hair transplantation in your situation using our estimate price.

Is hair transplant advisable?

The benefits of a hair transplantation procedure are that it gives hair like natural hair, it is a permanent solution of baldness, it is a one-time investment for hair loss area treatment. But of course, there are some limitations of the hair transplant procedure. Hair transplant is a really good option and advisable for baldness cases.

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