Hair Transplant - Hair Transplant Antalya / Turkey - OTEK Hair Clinic

Hair Transplant

Hair Transplant Without Shaving

Revolutionizing Hair Restoration: Non-Shaving Hair Transplant Techniques in Antalya, Turkey

Introduction to Non-Shaving Hair Transplant Hair loss, a challenge faced by many, can significantly impact self-esteem. In recent years, Antalya, Turkey, has emerged as a global leader in innovative hair restoration techniques, especially the non-shaving hair transplant method. This article aims to explore this cutting-edge approach, offering insights into why Antalya is the preferred choice […]

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How common is hair loss

How Common is Hair Loss?

How common is hair loss? Everyone loses their hairs on a daily basis at a rate of nearly 50 to 150 individual hairs per day. Usually, the hair grows back. But if the hair follicle is weakened, this re-growth does not occur. Every man experiences some degree of gradual hair loss in their lifetime as

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Frontal Part Density - otek hair clinic

Frontal Part Density

The density of transplanted grafts is a very important factor that affects the quality of a hair transplant procedure. The essential point is to determine the density necessary for a natural result. In some patients a loss of density may be visible over the entire frontal part. In this case, the objective is to redraw

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What are the Factors That Determine the Price of Hair Follicle Transplantation?

There are many factors that affect the prices of hair transplantation. Increasing supply-demand balance has led to the opening of many hair transplant clinics all around the world. With the increase in competition, hair transplant prices vary. The tendency of hair clinics to current methods is one of the other important factors in determining hair

What are the Factors That Determine the Price of Hair Follicle Transplantation? Read More »

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